Channel: Grow Breasts Naturally
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Seed Cycling – A Simple Process to Naturally Balance Hormones


Seed-CyclingI recently went to see a naturopath as I was fairly confident that I was estrogen dominant and was having issues with my thyroid due to various symptoms and annoying lack of energy.  Sure enough, she confirmed my suspicions and started me on a program that includes various supplements to get my thyroid functioning properly as well as get my hormones back in check .  

What intrigued me about my new program was that in addition to supplements, my naturopath is having me seed cycle to help balance my hormones naturally.  I have never heard of seed cycling but it reminds me of cycling pueraria mirifica where pueraria mirifica and other supplements are taken during certain phases for your menstrual cycle.

In seed cycling, you add various seeds to your diet to support your body’s natural hormone production during the various phases of your menstrual cycle.  The plan is to use seed cycling to gently nudge my body back in optimal hormone producing shape and get my menstrual cycle back on track.  (my cycle was averaging 36 days, not the normal 28)

Here is what she prescribed for me:

Follicular Phase (Day 1 – 14)

  • 1 tbsp Flax Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Pumpkin Seeds


Luteal Phase (Day 15 – 28)

  • 1 tbsp Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Sesame Seeds

So on the first day of my period, I will start taking the seeds for follicular phase every day until day 15.  We’re not sure if I ovulate on day 14 since my period is so out of wack but my naturopath said that we’re just going to assume I do.  Plus, that’s what we want it to do eventually if it’s not already, so she said to go ahead and start on day 15 with the luteal phase seeds.  From day 15 until the my period starts again, I take the luteal phase seeds then start the cycle of seeds again when my period starts.

The seeds should be taken once every day according to whatever phase you are in.  I plan to add the seeds to my Boobie Power Smoothie that I make every morning but  you can eat the seeds as is or add them to salads, yogurt, your own smoothie recipe, anything works.  

The seeds should be raw, straight from shell – not salted, roasted, etc.  I got my seeds raw and without shells from the bulk bins at Sprouts.  They were fairly inexpensive.  I think the pumpkin seeds were the priciest, if I remember correctly.  Also, the seeds should be ground, if possible, especially the flax seeds.  They sell flax seeds already ground but make sure you store them in the refrigerator so they don’t go bad.  You can also add fish oil during follicular phase and evening primrose oil  during luteal phase for a little boost.

Benefits of the Seeds

  • Flax Seeds – contains lignans which block excess estrogen and help eliminate it from the body
  • Pumpkin seeds – contain high levels of zinc which encourages progesterone production
  • Sunflower Seeds – supports body’s natural progesterone production
  • Sesame Seeds – contains low potency lignans compared to flaxseeds

These seeds are also a rich source of linoleic acid which aids in the balance of progesterone and estrogen.

Like natural breast enlargement, it’s going to take patience and consistency to see any results but I’m eager to see what happens.  I think seed cycling would be a good addition to any NBE routine.  Having your body naturally producing and balancing hormones optimally is always a good thing for NBE.

Have you ever tried seed cycling?  Do you plan to add it to your NBE routine?  Share in the comments below.


Is My New Glandular Supplement Causing Unexpected Breast Growth?


Symplex-f-breast-growthAs I mentioned in my previous post, I started seeing a naturopath to get my thyroid and hormones back in order.

To support my endocrine system, one of the supplements she’s having me take is Symplex F by Standard Process. It contains a number of bovine (cow) glandulars including: bovine ovary, adrenal, pituitary and thyroid, all of which play a vital part in a properly functioning endocrine system.

About a week after I started taking Symplex F, my breasts got super swollen and ached a lot, like my breasts were growing again. I assumed I was starting my period soon as my breasts always swell a little beforehand but never like this and the aching!

I did start my period shortly after but I had a suspicion the new supplements, specially the Symplex F, had something to do with the change is breasts since it contains bovine ovary and other glandulars. Plus, the amount my naturopath is having me take (6 pills per day (138mg each) = 828mg each day) is almost equal to Bountiful Breast’s  recommended serving size of 1050mg per day. Though I’m not sure how much of each glandular is in either of the supplements, I still think the Simplex F is doing something.

So I decided to do a little research on Symplex F and breast growth. I found a few blogs that mention Symplex F as a way to grow breasts but none of them went into any detail other than mentioning the product.

I went to Amazon and discovered they sell Simplex F (I purchased mine locally at People’s Pharmacy here in Austin). I did a search in the reviews for the term “breast” and came across a review where a lady mentioned her breasts grew while taking the supplement. Below is the review in its entirety. (click to enlarge)


Another reviewer mentioned that she was giving it 4 instead of 5 stars because she experienced breast tenderness while taking it.

My period has come and gone and it seemed like I was going to keep some of the swelling but it eventually went away….slowly.  This supplement has still peaked my interest so I’ve decided to incorporate massage and acupressure everyday just to see what happens. My naturopath wants me to take this supplement for at least 3 months (we’ll see if I will need to change my dosage at that time) so why not make the most of it? I’ve been wanting to grow a little more but just been lazy about it. I am currently a small C and would love to grow a little and become a full C or even a D cup.

Now would actually be a good time for me to try and gain a little again. Along with the Simplex F, my naturopath also prescribed me BMR Complex by Integrative Therapeutics to support my thyroid (discovered I’m slightly hypothyroid from a blood test I took). So I should have a fully functioning thyroid which is important for NBE, especially a bovine ovary routine because it helps to regulate warm body temperature.

She also told me that I should be taking in more protein (also important for breast growth) so with all these combined – hormones getting balanced, glandulars, thyroid functioning, increased protein intake – it should be a perfect storm for some breast growth!

I’ve only been on the supplements for about 3 weeks now so it’s still too early to tell anything but I’ll keep you all posted.

Cupping for Bigger Breasts


cupping-for-bigger-breastsCupping is a Chinese medicine technique that dates back to 300AD. Similar to breast enlargement pumps, cupping also uses vacuum pressure but at a much smaller scale.

Both use suction to increase circulation and swelling in the breasts which in turn is said to result in enlarged breasts.

Have you been on the fence about getting a breast enlargement pump to grow bigger breasts? Cupping might be a good option to start out with. They’re smaller and less intimidating.

Like breast enlargement pumps, cupping can also be used to supplement other breast enlargement routines like herbal and bovine routines.

Benefits of cupping

Less risk of expanded areolas
Noogleberry and other breast enlargement pumps have been know to make nipples larger due to the suction on the nipples since the domes are placed over the entire breasts. There are tips and techniques that can be used to reduce enlargement of the nipples but if you are still hesitant, cupping might be an option.

With cupping, the domes are small and don’t require you to place them over the entire breast. The nipples never get any suction with cupping unless you purposely put them over the nipples though that is not recommended.

More discreet
For those of you that live with someone – husband, boyfriend, roommate, parents – and don’t want them to know you’re trying NBE, cupping might be a better option for you. Breast enlargement pump systems can be big and bulky. Cupping only requires one or two small cups, no bigger than a few inches.

Less expensive than breast enlargement pumps
Breast enlargement pumps can cost anywhere from about $70 and up depending on brand and size of domes you start out with. Then, after your breasts start growing, you will need to purchase larger sets of domes to accommodate your larger breasts.

If breast enlargement pumps do not fit in your budget, cupping may be an option for you. You will only need to purchase one set of cups which cost about $20.  And these same cups can be used to cup other parts of your body like your butt or thighs as it is said that cupping also helps to reduce cellulite.

How to use cupping for breast enlargement

Items needed:
Oil – coconut, flax seed, sweet almond oil – whatever you choose

Massage the oil onto the breasts. Be generous but be careful not to over lube as this may cause an issue with moving the cups around your breasts. You will discover the correct amount to use as you cup more.

Squeeze the cup and place on breast. Let go of the cup. The cup should have created a suction and is now sticking onto the breast. If not, try again. Depending on how much you squeeze the cup, this will dictate the pressure felt on the breasts. If there is major discomfort, remove the cup and try again. This time, squeeze the cup less. If the opposite it true and you don’t feel much pressure or the cup falls off, squeeze the cup more before applying onto breast.

Once the cup is securely on the breast, slowly slide the cup around the breast. You might have to hold the breast tissue with one hand and slide the cup with the other. It is suggested that you move around the breast in the same direction as the chi breast massage or inwards motions all around the breasts. Similar to an inward spiral motion, avoiding the nipple area.

There are a bunch of videos on youtube on cupping. Unfortunately, none of them are specific to the breasts but here is one on the butt to give you an idea of movement, etc…minus the fire of course.

Another technique one can try is to not move the cup around.  Just place on breast and leave on that spot for a few minutes.  Remove the cup and move to another section of the breast to suction until you have gone all around the breast.  This seems more time consuming compared to the technique of sliding the cups around the breasts but try both and see what works best for you.

Ready to give cupping a try!

Here is a cupping set from Amazon that is popular in the NBE community.  This set can also be used to treat cellulite on various parts of the body.

Face treatments are also another popular use for cupping but you wouldn’t want to use this set on your face. The suction might be too hard. Plus, you’ll want smaller cups to make it easier to navigate around your face.

I plan to purchase these little guys to test out on my face. I would buy the bigger ones to test out on my breasts but I am currently conducting an experiment on myself with just my glandulars and massage with acupressure.

Breast enlargement pumps are still more popular than cupping for breast enlargement but this may be the option for you.  If anyone has tried cupping or plan to try cupping for bigger breasts, please share your comments below.


My Favorite App – Great For Tracking Your NBE Journey!


pink-dailyPink Daily – I love this app! Before I started using it, all I knew was that my periods were never on time and super long. I hated going to the doctor and having to answer that question on the form “first date of your last period” because I had no clue!

But now I know the answer to that question and then some! I started using this app over six months ago and haven’t missed a day recording my cycle…which is surprising for me because I am horrible with keeping up with things like this.

It has a ton of cool features (like reminders to record you period) and things that you couldn’t normally record as easily without this app.Calendar

It will project when your next period will be as well as what day you will ovulate and what days you are fertile based on data you provide.

When you record your period, you have so many options such as… was your period heavy, light, medium? What color was it – light red, red or dark red? How were your symptoms – sore breasts, headaches, etc? Did you take any medication?  What has your mood?


It also tells you what your likelihood of getting pregnant is for each day of the month. And if you are into recording your sexual activity – there is a section for that too! They have multiple little icons of sex positions that you can select from. You can also record if you had an orgasm, used protection and a bunch of other stuff.


It will send you reminders when your period is about to start as well as reminders to take your birth control. It also gives you a report of average days you were on your period and average number of days your cycle is based on the past 6 months of data.

You can also record if you exercised that day, what your body temperature was, what you ate and make additional notes if you would like.

How to Use Pink Daily to Track Your NBE Journey

This app is a great way to journal your NBE journey in my opinion. You can simply alter some of the options to record things that pertain to your NBE journey instead of your cycle.

Temperature – use this option to record daily temperature – great for those who are using the Chiyomilk method and cycling pueraria mirifica

Diary – use this section to record what you did for that day (ie massaged, noogled, etc), what your measurements were or anything you want about your journey

Period – record your period – beneficial in tracking if certain products may have caused your period to be late, early, shorter, longer, heavier, lighter, etc.

Took Medicine – you can use this to record if you took your supplements that day or not

Weight – you can record your weight to see if any of the supplements you are taking are causing weight gain or loss

Symptoms – record if you experienced headaches, swollen breasts, etc.

Give it a try – it’s free! I got the app through the Google Play Store for my Android phone. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a version for iPhone.  There is an app for iPhones called Pink Pad Period & Fertility Tracker Pro that appears to be similar to Pink Daily.


Book Review: Dr John Lee’s Hormone Balance Made Simple


Dr. John R. Lee was an expert on hormone replacement therapy for women and his hormone balance test has been a popular tool among NBE’ers for many years.  Many women have used his simple test to uncover hormone imbalances they didn’t know they had and have used the information to improve their breast enlargement routines.

Besides his popular hormone balance test, Dr. Lee is also known for authoring numerous books on hormones and over the weekend, I finally had an opportunity to read one – Dr. John Lee’s Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential How-to Guide to Symptoms, Dosage, Timing, and More

First of all – it is a great read and I highly recommend getting a copy for yourself or checking it out at your local library. Every person should have a better understanding of hormones as they affect every part of us. In his book, Dr. Lee shows why balanced hormones are essential to the overall health of women. Unbalanced hormones can lead to a variety of health issues including cancer.

Dr. Lee starts out with explaining the key female sex hormones – estrogen, testosterone and progesterone – which are also hormones that play a key role in natural breast enlargement. He also explains the difference between synthetic hormones and bio-identical hormones and explains how each are made. I had no clue that many synthetic hormones are made from horse urine!

Dr. Lee goes on to discuss his “Three Rules for Hormone Replacement Therapy” which include:

Rule 1: Use hormones only if you need them
Rule 2: Use Bio-identical Hormones Rather Than Synthetic Hormones
Rule 3: Use hormones only in doses that create hormone balance

In his book, Dr. Lee expands on the hormone balance test that is found on his website. The simple test lists various symptoms that you may be experiencing.  Depending on what symptoms you choose, you may be estrogen dominant, estrogen deficient, progesterone dominant, etc.  Dr. Lee is a big proponent of progesterone and is said to have coined the term “estrogen dominance”. Dr. Lee dedicates two chapters to progesterone – “The ABCs of Progesterone” and “How and When to Use Progesterone Cream” – as well as a chapter to estrogen.

The remainder of the book focuses on the various hormone imbalances and how to treat them naturally. An extensive list of symptoms are included in the book with possible hormone imbalances that may cause that symptom. For example:

Hair Loss

  • Excess testosterone/male hormones
  • Excess estrogen
  • Estrogen dominance
  • Thyroid deficiency

The book is a very easy read. No difficult medical jargon and he uses a lot of analogies to help the reader understand the content more easily. I highly recommend this book to every women, especially if you are interested in growing bigger breasts as natural breast enlargement is all about balancing hormones.

Between the hormone balance test Dr. Lee offers and the detailed information on various hormone imbalances and how to treat them, you’ll be able to get your hormone levels in optimal breast growing shape before starting your breast enlargement routine.

Other books by Dr Lee include:
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause
What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Premenopause
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer

Your NBE Questions Answered!


Can sex make breasts bigger?

Yes, breasts can become bigger during sex but the results are not permanent.  When aroused, the breasts can swell and become up to 25% larger. The swelling is due to the increase in blood to the breasts but unfortunately breasts return back to their normal size shortly after sex.

What in chicken feet makes breasts grow?

Chicken feet, especially chicken feet soup, is a popular topic in the NBE community. There isn’t anything in chicken feet that actually makes breasts grow. If you live in a country where hormones are given to chickens, those hormones may affect breast growth. Here in the United States, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits the use of hormones in poultry.

The main reason people each chicken feet is because it is rich in collagen. The collagen strengthens connective tissue which are found in abundance in the breasts. This can help enhance the skin around the breasts and reduce sagging.

Is vitamin C beneficial to breast growth?

Taking vitamin C alone will not grow breasts but it can help with the overall health and appearance of the breasts. Vitamin C plays a role in the synthesis of collagen which is important to maintaining the connective tissue found in the breasts.

Does aloe vera increase breast size?

A study published in the Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2013 stated that aloe vera increased estrogen levels in rats and concluded that aloe vera could have positive effects on the process of fertility. Based on this study, there is a possibility that aloe vera may help increase breast size in humans due to its estrogen activity though it is not known how aloe vera affects human hormone levels.

Is growth from pueraria mirifica permanent?

Many women have experienced successful, permanent breast growth with the use of pueraria mirficia.  How permanent your results are can depend on how long you are on pueraria mirifca. The longer you are on it, the more permanent your results can be. To ensure permanent breast growth, many women do maintenance programs after stopping their primary breast enlargement routine.

Can you mix bovine ovary with maca?

Maca is an adaptogen and helps to balance hormones. It will not conflict with glandulars, like bovine ovaries, so is okay to mix the two but be aware that maca may make your hips bigger.

Can breast enlargement pills affect your menstrual cycle?

It is not uncommon for breast enlargement pills to affect one’s menstrual cycle. Unfortunately it is hard to know if your cycle will be impacted or not. Some women experience late periods, heavy periods or short periods while others experience no change. To minimize disruptions in your cycle, it is recommended that you start your breast enlargement pills on the first day of your cycle or the day that you start your period. This will help you stick with the natural rhythms of your body as you start your NBE program.

Can you mix pueraria mirifica with saw palmetto?

There general rule of thumb is that you should not take more than one of the same type of herb (ie phytoestrogen, phytoprogesterone, etc). So with that said, you wouldn’t want to take PM (a strong phytoestrogen) with other phytoestrogens like red clover or hops. It is okay to take PM with saw palmetto since SP is not a phytoestrogen.

Are Volufiline and Voluplus the same thing?

Volufiline and Voluplus are similar in that they both increase the number and size of fats cells to the area applied but there is a slight difference between the two. Volufiline is derived from the Chinese herb Zhu Mu while Voluplus is derived from nutmeg.

Are painful nipples a sign of breast growth?

Painful nipples can be a sign of breast growth but it might also mean that you massaged too roughly around your nipples. Other signs of breast growth include breast feeling fuller or heavier as well as tingling or soreness in the breasts.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Breast Growth


When it comes to aloe vera, most people are familiar with its skin healing properties. From sunburns to cuts, aloe vera is the go to product for many people. Yes, aloe vera is great for skin but did you know that aloe vera has it uses for natural breast enlargement as well?

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera, also known as aloe, is a plant consisting of thick leaves filled with a liquid or gel that is generally applied to the skin. The liquid from the plant can also be made into a juice that can be consumed as is or added to other beverages and smoothies.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Breast Growth

Aloe vera is mainly used as a topical for NBE but drinking aloe juice can also be beneficial for breast growth. Below are some of the breast benefits of the aloe plant.

Hormone Balance – Aloe vera leaves contain phytoestrogens which mimic estrogen and can be important for breast growth. There are a number of studies including one published in “Bio-organic Medicinal Chemistry Letters” in 2001 and another in “Archives of Pharmacal Research” in 2008 which found that aloe extract activates the estrogen receptors as well as stimulates breast cell growth in test tube experiments by mimicking the effects of estrogen.

Another study published in the Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2013 found that aloe vera increased estrogen levels in rats and as a result concluded that aloe vera could have positive effects on the process of fertility.

Increased circulation – According to WebMD, when applied topically, aloe can improve blood circulation throughout the area that it is applied and is the reason why aloe speeds up the healing of a wound. This can be beneficial to breast growth as increased blood circulation means increased nutrients and oxygen to the breast area.

Amino acids – Aloe vera contains essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of the body and are important to growing bigger breasts naturally. We need to get amino acids through our diets since our bodies do not produce them. Drinking aloe vera juice can be a simple way of getting your dose of amino acids for the day.

Vitamins – Aloe vera is rich in vitamins including A, B vitamins, C and E as well as numerous minerals including copper, zinc, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals can help keep your body in tip-top shape which is needed for optimal breast growth.

Where to Buy Aloe Vera

The most common use for aloe vera is in gel form and used as a topical. Aloe vera gel can easily be found in most stores locally as well as online. Aloe vera in juice or beverage form has recently become popular and can be found in most grocery stores as well as health food stores and online. Aloe juice is common in Asian countries like South Korea so you may have luck finding it at your local Asian store or market.

A popular way to consume aloe is to either add aloe vera juice or fresh pieces of aloe to smoothies. Here is a smoothie recipe from PopSugar that details how to prepare fresh aloe for consumption.  And here is a recipe for a Pineapple-Aloe Cocktail from Vegetarian Times.

Spice Up Your Breast Enlargement Routine: Cumin, Oregano, Thyme and More


Fenugreek, hops, and red clover are herbs frequently used in natural breast enlargement but did you know that spices and herbs used in everyday cooking can also have benefits for breast growth?


A spice with a distinct flavor and aroma, cumin is commonly used in Indian and Mexican cuisines. Cumin is a phytoestrogen and has been shown to contain genistein. Genistein, an isoflavone also found in soy, mimics human estrogen and binds to estrogen receptors to help develop and maintain female characteristics like breasts.

Studies have shown that cumin increases the number of mammary cells in laboratory animals. Though the effects on human breasts are unknown, humans tend to react similarly to laboratory animals. Dr. Duke mentioned cumin as an herb to try in the breast enlargement section of his book “The Green Pharmacy”.


Thyme is a herb that is commonly found in Italian cooking. Used dried or fresh, it is added to many sauces and stews. Thyme is said to support the body’s natural production of progesterone and can be beneficial to those who are estrogen dominant. Thyme is available as an essential oil, extract, or in capsule form.


Oregano is similar to thyme is many ways. Like thyme, this herb is often used in Italian cooking and also helps to increase progesterone levels. Oregano supplements are available as a capsule, extract and essential oil. Oregano oil is also available in capsule form.


Parsley has a strong flavor and is generally used as a garnish though it can be used in cooking, either fresh or dried. Parsley is rich in Vitamin K as well as Vitamin C. As for NBE, parsley has one of the highest sources of flavones but unfortunately flavones have the weakest estrogenic effect of all phytoestrogens.

The more popular use of parsley in NBE is to counter the smell of fenugreek. For those that don’t know – fenugreek, when used over period of time, will cause you to smell like maple syrup. Some people don’t mind the smell while others find it annoying. Ingesting fresh or dried parsley is said to minimize the smell.

Parsley is also a mild emmenagogue and as a result, parsley tea is a simple method used by many to induce late periods. But before you try this method, please be sure that your period is indeed late and that the delay is not a result of pregnancy.


Turmeric is a spice commonly found in Indian cuisine, especially curry. It is also a popular supplement to take because of its many anti-aging and medicinal benefits as well as its high concentration of the antioxidant curcuminoid. As for NBE, tumeric is used for its hormone balancing properties as it is said to increase the body’s natural production of progesterone.


Sage is a herb that has a strong flavor and is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin K. Sage leaves, as well as sage oil, have an estrogenic effect and can be beneficial for those who have low estrogen levels. Sage is commonly used to relieve menopausal symptoms but research has shown that sage may also help to improve memory.

Sage tea is a popular option for many NBE’ers for balancing hormones. Another common use for sage tea besides balancing hormones is to treat excessive sweating.

Sesame seeds

Regularly used in Asian cuisine or sprinkled on foods as a garnish, sesame seeds (as well as sesame oil) are said to be a good source of lignans which help to balance hormones and remove excess estrogen from the body.

Sesame seeds are used for their hormone balancing effects in a process called seed cycling, which is used by women to regulate their menstrual cycle. As part of seed cycling, sesame seeds are taken during one’s luteal phase.

Sesame seed oil can be used for breast massage but do note that the smell of sesame seed oil is very strong.

Seed Cycling – A Simple Process to Naturally Balance Hormones


I recently went to see a naturopath as I was fairly confident that I was estrogen dominant and was having issues with my thyroid due to various symptoms and annoying lack of energy.  Sure enough, she confirmed my suspicions and started me on a program that includes various supplements to get my thyroid functioning properly as well as get my hormones back in check .  

What intrigued me about my new program was that in addition to supplements, my naturopath is having me seed cycle to help balance my hormones naturally.  I have never heard of seed cycling but it reminds me of cycling pueraria mirifica where pueraria mirifica and other supplements are taken during certain phases for your menstrual cycle.

In seed cycling, you add various seeds to your diet to support your body’s natural hormone production during the various phases of your menstrual cycle.  The plan is to use seed cycling to gently nudge my body back in optimal hormone producing shape and get my menstrual cycle back on track.  (my cycle was averaging 36 days, not the normal 28)

Here is what she prescribed for me:

Follicular Phase (Day 1 – 14)

  • 1 tbsp Flax Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Pumpkin Seeds

Luteal Phase (Day 15 – 28)

  • 1 tbsp Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Sesame Seeds

So on the first day of my period, I will start taking the seeds for follicular phase every day until day 15.  We’re not sure if I ovulate on day 14 since my period is so out of wack but my naturopath said that we’re just going to assume I do.  Plus, that’s what we want it to do eventually if it’s not already, so she said to go ahead and start on day 15 with the luteal phase seeds.  From day 15 until the my period starts again, I take the luteal phase seeds then start the cycle of seeds again when my period starts.

The seeds should be taken once every day according to whatever phase you are in.  I plan to add the seeds to my Boobie Power Smoothie that I make every morning but  you can eat the seeds as is or add them to salads, yogurt, your own smoothie recipe, anything works.  

The seeds should be raw, straight from shell – not salted, roasted, etc.  I got my seeds raw and without shells from the bulk bins at Sprouts.  They were fairly inexpensive.  I think the pumpkin seeds were the priciest, if I remember correctly.  Also, the seeds should be ground, if possible, especially the flax seeds.  They sell flax seeds already ground but make sure you store them in the refrigerator so they don’t go bad.  You can also add fish oil during follicular phase and evening primrose oil  during luteal phase for a little boost.

Benefits of Each Seed

  • Flax Seeds – contains lignans which block excess estrogen and help eliminate it from the body
  • Pumpkin seeds – contain high levels of zinc which encourages progesterone production
  • Sunflower Seeds – supports body’s natural progesterone production
  • Sesame Seeds – contains low potency lignans compared to flaxseeds

These seeds are also a rich source of linoleic acid which aids in the balance of progesterone and estrogen.

Like natural breast enlargement, it’s going to take patience and consistency to see any results but I’m eager to see what happens.  I think seed cycling would be a good addition to any NBE routine.  Having your body naturally producing and balancing hormones optimally is always a good thing for NBE.

Have you ever tried seed cycling?  Do you plan to add it to your NBE routine?  Share in the comments below.

Is My New Glandular Supplement Causing Unexpected Breast Growth?


As I mentioned in my previous post, I started seeing a naturopath to get my thyroid and hormones back in order.

To support my endocrine system, one of the supplements she’s having me take is Symplex F by Standard Process. It contains a number of bovine (cow) glandulars including: bovine ovary, adrenal, pituitary and thyroid, all of which play a vital part in a properly functioning endocrine system.

About a week after I started taking Symplex F, my breasts got super swollen and ached a lot, like my breasts were growing again. I assumed I was starting my period soon as my breasts always swell a little beforehand but never like this and the aching!

I did start my period shortly after but I had a suspicion the new supplements, specially the Symplex F, had something to do with the change is breasts since it contains bovine ovary and other glandulars. Plus, the amount my naturopath is having me take (6 pills per day (138mg each) = 828mg each day) is almost equal to Bountiful Breast’s  recommended serving size of 1050mg per day. Though I’m not sure how much of each glandular is in either of the supplements, I still think the Simplex F is doing something.

So I decided to do a little research on Symplex F and breast growth. I found a few blogs that mention Symplex F as a way to grow breasts but none of them went into any detail other than mentioning the product.

I went to Amazon and discovered they sell Simplex F (I purchased mine locally at People’s Pharmacy here in Austin). I did a search in the reviews for the term “breast” and came across a review where a lady mentioned her breasts grew while taking the supplement. Below is the review in its entirety. (click to enlarge)


Another reviewer mentioned that she was giving it 4 instead of 5 stars because she experienced breast tenderness while taking it.

My period has come and gone and it seemed like I was going to keep some of the swelling but it eventually went away….slowly.  This supplement has still peaked my interest so I’ve decided to incorporate massage and acupressure everyday just to see what happens. My naturopath wants me to take this supplement for at least 3 months (we’ll see if I will need to change my dosage at that time) so why not make the most of it? I’ve been wanting to grow a little more but just been lazy about it. I am currently a small C and would love to grow a little and become a full C or even a D cup.

Now would actually be a good time for me to try and gain a little again. Along with the Simplex F, my naturopath also prescribed me BMR Complex by Integrative Therapeutics to support my thyroid (discovered I’m slightly hypothyroid from a blood test I took). So I should have a fully functioning thyroid which is important for NBE, especially a bovine ovary routine because it helps to regulate warm body temperature.

She also told me that I should be taking in more protein (also important for breast growth) so with all these combined – hormones getting balanced, glandulars, thyroid functioning, increased protein intake – it should be a perfect storm for some breast growth!

I’ve only been on the supplements for about 3 weeks now so it’s still too early to tell anything but I’ll keep you all posted.

Cupping for Bigger Breasts


Cupping is a Chinese medicine technique that dates back to 300AD. Similar to breast enlargement pumps, cupping also uses vacuum pressure but at a much smaller scale.

Both use suction to increase circulation and swelling in the breasts which in turn is said to result in enlarged breasts.

Have you been on the fence about getting a breast enlargement pump to grow bigger breasts? Cupping might be a good option to start out with. They’re smaller and less intimidating.

Like breast enlargement pumps, cupping can also be used to supplement other breast enlargement routines like herbal and bovine routines.

Benefits of cupping

Less risk of expanded areolas
Noogleberry and other breast enlargement pumps have been know to make nipples larger due to the suction on the nipples since the domes are placed over the entire breasts. There are tips and techniques that can be used to reduce enlargement of the nipples but if you are still hesitant, cupping might be an option.

With cupping, the domes are small and don’t require you to place them over the entire breast. The nipples never get any suction with cupping unless you purposely put them over the nipples though that is not recommended.

More discreet
For those of you that live with someone – husband, boyfriend, roommate, parents – and don’t want them to know you’re trying NBE, cupping might be a better option for you. Breast enlargement pump systems can be big and bulky. Cupping only requires one or two small cups, no bigger than a few inches.

Less expensive than breast enlargement pumps
Breast enlargement pumps can cost anywhere from about $70 and up depending on brand and size of domes you start out with. Then, after your breasts start growing, you will need to purchase larger sets of domes to accommodate your larger breasts.

If breast enlargement pumps do not fit in your budget, cupping may be an option for you. You will only need to purchase one set of cups which cost about $20.  And these same cups can be used to cup other parts of your body like your butt or thighs as it is said that cupping also helps to reduce cellulite.

How to use cupping for breast enlargement

Items needed:
Oil – coconut, flax seed, sweet almond oil – whatever you choose

Massage the oil onto the breasts. Be generous but be careful not to over lube as this may cause an issue with moving the cups around your breasts. You will discover the correct amount to use as you cup more.

Squeeze the cup and place on breast. Let go of the cup. The cup should have created a suction and is now sticking onto the breast. If not, try again. Depending on how much you squeeze the cup, this will dictate the pressure felt on the breasts. If there is major discomfort, remove the cup and try again. This time, squeeze the cup less. If the opposite it true and you don’t feel much pressure or the cup falls off, squeeze the cup more before applying onto breast.

Once the cup is securely on the breast, slowly slide the cup around the breast. You might have to hold the breast tissue with one hand and slide the cup with the other. It is suggested that you move around the breast in the same direction as the chi breast massage or inwards motions all around the breasts. Similar to an inward spiral motion, avoiding the nipple area.

There are a bunch of videos on youtube on cupping. Unfortunately, none of them are specific to the breasts but here is one on the butt to give you an idea of movement, etc…minus the fire of course.

Another technique one can try is to not move the cup around.  Just place on breast and leave on that spot for a few minutes.  Remove the cup and move to another section of the breast to suction until you have gone all around the breast.  This seems more time consuming compared to the technique of sliding the cups around the breasts but try both and see what works best for you.

Ready to give cupping a try!

Here is a cupping set from Amazon that is popular in the NBE community.  This set can also be used to treat cellulite on various parts of the body.

Face treatments are also another popular use for cupping but you wouldn’t want to use this set on your face. The suction might be too hard. Plus, you’ll want smaller cups to make it easier to navigate around your face.

I plan to purchase these little guys to test out on my face. I would buy the bigger ones to test out on my breasts but I am currently conducting an experiment on myself with just my glandulars and massage with acupressure.

Breast enlargement pumps are still more popular than cupping for breast enlargement but this may be the option for you.  If anyone has tried cupping or plan to try cupping for bigger breasts, please share your comments below.

My Favorite App – Great For Tracking Your NBE Journey!


Pink Daily – I love this app! Before I started using it, all I knew was that my periods were never on time and super long. I hated going to the doctor and having to answer that question on the form “first date of your last period” because I had no clue!

But now I know the answer to that question and then some! I started using this app over six months ago and haven’t missed a day recording my cycle…which is surprising for me because I am horrible with keeping up with things like this.

It has a ton of cool features (like reminders to record you period) and things that you couldn’t normally record as easily without this app.Calendar

It will project when your next period will be as well as what day you will ovulate and what days you are fertile based on data you provide.

When you record your period, you have so many options such as… was your period heavy, light, medium? What color was it – light red, red or dark red? How were your symptoms – sore breasts, headaches, etc? Did you take any medication?  What has your mood?


It also tells you what your likelihood of getting pregnant is for each day of the month. And if you are into recording your sexual activity – there is a section for that too! They have multiple little icons of sex positions that you can select from. You can also record if you had an orgasm, used protection and a bunch of other stuff.


It will send you reminders when your period is about to start as well as reminders to take your birth control. It also gives you a report of average days you were on your period and average number of days your cycle is based on the past 6 months of data.

You can also record if you exercised that day, what your body temperature was, what you ate and make additional notes if you would like.

How to Use Pink Daily to Track Your NBE Journey

This app is a great way to journal your NBE journey in my opinion. You can simply alter some of the options to record things that pertain to your NBE journey instead of your cycle.

Temperature – use this option to record daily temperature – great for those who are using the Chiyomilk method and cycling pueraria mirifica

Diary – use this section to record what you did for that day (ie massaged, noogled, etc), what your measurements were or anything you want about your journey

Period – record your period – beneficial in tracking if certain products may have caused your period to be late, early, shorter, longer, heavier, lighter, etc.

Took Medicine – you can use this to record if you took your supplements that day or not

Weight – you can record your weight to see if any of the supplements you are taking are causing weight gain or loss

Symptoms – record if you experienced headaches, swollen breasts, etc.

Give it a try – it’s free! I got the app through the Google Play Store for my Android phone. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a version for iPhone.  There is an app for iPhones called Pink Pad Period & Fertility Tracker Pro that appears to be similar to Pink Daily.


Glandulars for Breast Enlargement – Ovaries, Pituitaries, Adrenals and More


As many of you already know – taking animal glandulars, specifically bovine ovaries, is a common method used to grow bigger breasts but did you know there are a number of other animal glandulars that are used in NBE?

Below are a few of the glandulars people take as part of their NBE routine and the importance of each.


Ovaries are the most common animal glandular used in NBE. The go-to for natural breast enlargement is bovine (aka cow) ovary. By consuming bovine ovaries, the body’s pituitary gland is stimulated which results in the increased production of hormones by the body. Some people liken it to restarting puberty.

Swanson’s Premium makes a high quality, inexpensive brand of bovine ovary.  And from the reviews, you can see that it’s highly effective for breast growth, especially for biological males desiring female breasts.


Pituitary is another common animal glandular used in NBE and is generally coupled with ovary glandulars.

Pituitary supplements are taken to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. The gland also produces prolactin as well as other hormones beneficial to NBE including thyroid stimulating hormone (THS), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteal stimulating hormone (LSH).

Taking pituitary glandulars is said to be beneficial for those NBE’ers over 30 years of age as production of growth hormone starts to diminish as you get older.


Though the use of mammary glandulars is not common in NBE (surprisingly) there are still a few people who use them as part of the NBE routine. Raw mammary glandulars are said to help enhance the breast and develop the milk glands.

Bovine mammary glandulars have been recommended by some for female breasts disorders such as nipple and breast pain, swollen lymph nodes, underdeveloped breast, mastitis, and lactation difficulties. The National Cancer Institute has even studied bovine mammary tissue to learn what in the tissue helps prevent cows from getting breast cancer.


Taking adrenal glandulars can help support your adrenal functions which can play an important part in the success of one’s breast growth. Low functioning adrenals or adrenal fatigue can disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance. Hormones like DHEA are produced in the adrenal glands and are important in NBE because DHEA is the precursor to the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.


A properly functioning thyroid is important to NBE for many reasons. One, the thyroid regulates metabolism and body temperature. A body temperature of 98.2 to 98.6 is crucial for successful breast growth with bovine ovary supplements. If you have hypothyroidism or low functioning thyroid, your body temperature might be too low. A thyroid that is not functioning properly can also affect female hormone levels which may delay growth from your NBE program.


Animal placenta is a glandular that became popular in the NBE community because of Chiyomilk.  Chiyomilk ingested animal placenta along with many other supplements as part of her NBE routine which resulted in amazing breast growth. Animal placenta is rich in growth factors and hormones which can be beneficial to your overall health as well as breast enlargement program.

No matter what glandulars you take, do your research and know where the animals are sourced from. When purchasing bovine glandulars – especially pituitary – be sure they are sourced from non-BSE cattle. Pituitary is rated as medium infectivity by the FDA for transmission of mad cow disease which is more riskier than glandulars like bovine ovary.

Read more: Where Does Your Bovine Ovary Come From?


Fun Visualizations to Enhance Your Breast Enlargement Routine


It is said that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between imagination and reality. So how can you use the power of the subconscious mind to achieve your breast enlargement goals? Easy – imagine them big.

Here are a few scenarios to get you started…

1 – Bra Shopping
Imagine your breasts have grown to your desired size and it’s time to go bra shopping. Maybe you’re with your friends, maybe you’re alone. You walk into the bra store and look around. You come across a bra you like. Imagine looking at the tags searching for your new bra size. Then imagine going to the dressing room to try it on. See yourself in the mirror with the new bra on and your breasts looking fabulous. Feel the excitement run through your body.  If you are with your friends, imagine them complimenting you on how great your breasts look.

This can also be done with swimsuit shopping or clothes in general that show off your breasts.

2 – On the Beach (or at the pool)
Imagine your are at the beach. You just got to the beach and you’re settling into your spot. You take off your clothes and reveal your new swimsuit. You look and feel fabulous. Your breasts look amazing in your new swimsuit. You are beaming with confidence and joy. As you are laying on the towel, feel the warmth of the sun on your breasts. Then you decide to go for a dip in the ocean. Feel the cool waves gently brushing against your breasts. You look down at your breasts and are grateful that all the time and effort you put into your NBE program paid off!

3 – Breast Cells Growing
After you have massaged your breasts. Take a few minutes to lay down and relax. Focus on your breasts, specifically the cells in your breasts. Imagine your cells growing and multiplying. Imagine increased circulation to your breasts as a result of the massage you just did. See and feel our breasts getting the nutrition and oxygen they need to grow.

You might actually feel some tingling or some type of sensation in your breasts during this visualization.

Things to Remember About Visualization

  • Do it everyday (if possible) – you can make it as short or as long as you want
  • Best time to do it is when you are about to fall asleep
  • Get detailed, the more details the better
  • Relax and have fun

And the most important thing for successful visualizations…

  • Emotions – really feel the excitement, really feel the happiness.

These are just some ideas to get your started. Let your imagination run wild and have fun with it! The more details you put in your visualization and the more excitement you feel, the better.  And don’t stress too much if you can’t see or feel anything in your imagination at first.  Just keep trying and eventually it’ll get easier to do.


8 Factors That Can Affect Breast Growth with NBE


Back in 2014, I wrote a post called The Mystery of Natural Breast Enlargement where I laid out a number of factors that can affect breast size like genetics, race and natural hormone levels. Upon reading it recently, I realized I didn’t really go into much detail on how each can actually affect NBE. So for this post I’m going to focus on a few of the factors and how they can affect growth with natural breast enlargement.


Many people believe that genetics are the number one factor that determines how much one can grow with NBE. If the women in your family generally have small breasts, you will most likely have small breasts and not grow much with NBE. I don’t believe this is true. Asian women generally have small breasts but there are a number of Asian women (ie Chiyomilk) that have experienced crazy breast growth with NBE.

Natural Hormone Levels

Knowing your natural hormone levels can make or break your success with NBE. Many women go into NBE thinking they just need to up their estrogen levels to grow breasts and take herbs like pueraria mirifica to do so. For those that are estrogen dominant, pueraria mirifica is the last thing you would want to take as it will up your estrogen levels even more. Balanced hormones are needed to successfully grow breasts so before starting an NBE program, it can be very beneficial to get your hormones tested to see where you are which will help dictate what herbs you will need to take for successful breast growth


Lifestyle can play an important part with growing bigger breasts naturally. Factors such as stress levels can make breast growth more difficult than it should be. Stress can cause cortisol levels to rise which in the end can throw your hormone levels off and as I mentioned earlier, balanced hormones are necessary for successful breast growth with NBE.

An active lifestyle can also affect how much you grow with NBE. Exercise is important in NBE but overdoing it can actually affect your success. Breasts are made mostly of fat tissue and if you are like me, my boobs and butt are the first things to go when I lose weight. Over doing it with exercise may lead to you burning off what boobs you’ve grown.


A poor diet can hinder breast growth with NBE. A balanced diet, low in sugar is important for success in NBE as your body needs various nutrients to grow the cells that increase breast size. If you are not able to get all your nutrients from food, supplementing can be helpful as well. A diet low in sugar is important because sugar increases the production of testosterone which block estrogen, a hormone necessary for breast growth.


Habits like smoking and poor sleep can affect breast growth with NBE. Smoking is not only bad for your overall health but bad to NBE as well.  Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen to the cells and slows the growth and repair of cells and tissue.

Sleep can be an important factor in successful breast growth. Sleep is one of the few times that the body naturally produces Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is important to breast growth.  Cell growth and repair also occur during sleep.


It is said that it is harder to grow breasts naturally for women over the age of thirty. The reason being HGH production starts to decline dramatically after the age of thirty. This doesn’t mean that NBE isn’t possible for those over thirty, it just might take little more effort and take a little longer to see results.


Consistency and dedication are key to successful breast enlargement. If you’re just putting in 80% effort and missing days here and there with your routine, it will probably take you a long time to see any results, if you see any. If you put in 100% effort, you will see success sooner and save time and money in the long run.

Previous Pregnancy or Previous NBE Success

Some believe that the breasts become fully developed after the first pregnancy. This may be the reason why NBE’ers say it’s easier to grow breasts naturally for those who have experienced at least one pregnancy. Breast growth is also easier and faster for those who have experienced growth previously with NBE.


Effectiveness of Teas for Natural Breast Enlargement


For every BE herb out there, there is most likely a tea variation available and if not, you can easily make your own.  But…how effective are teas for natural breast enlargement?

This is another one of those “depends on who you ask” questions.  Some say that it’s super effective because the liquid is easily absorbed by the body while others say it’s a total waste because there is no way to tell how much product is actually in the tea.  

One thing is for sure, people have been consuming herbal teas because of the health effects for centuries, especially those in Asian countries such as China.  Tea is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and there are a number of homemade teas that are used for natural breast enlargement with one recipe dating as far back as the Qing Dynasty.  (I’ll share that recipe and a few others in my next post – 5 Chinese Teas for Breast Enlargement.)

Reasons Why NBE’ers Add Tea to Their Routines

  • When herbs are steeped into tea, the body does not have to break down the plant material which allows it to be more easily absorbed by the body
  • Tea can be an inexpensive option as buying dried herbs in bulk can be fairly cheap
  • Teas are a good supplement to an NBE routine to lessen the amount of pills that need to be taken
  • Easily create your own customized natural breast enlargement tea blend depending on what your body’s needs are
  • Drinking cups of tea everyday provides water/hydration which is important for natural breast enlargement

Teas Used in NBE

Teas commonly used in natural breast enlargement include fennel, spearmint, milk thistle as well as blends of herbs like those used in Dr Bustea’s Breast Enhancement Tea.

  • Fennel – Fennel tea is a popular tea in NBE.  Just crush some Fennel seeds and steep for 10 minutes with boiling water, then strain and drink.  Fennel promotes milk production and stimulates growth of breast tissue.
  • Spearmint – Spearmint tea is generally added as a supplement to an NBE program for those who have high levels of androgens (ie testosterone).  Spearmint is an anti-androgen and drinking spearmint tea helps to balance hormones.  Spearmint tea can be found as pre-packaged tea or you can purchase dried spearmint for about $11 for a pound and make your own tea.
  • Milk thistle – Another popular tea used in NBE but rather than provide nutrients to grow breasts, milk thistle tea is used to clean/reset your system so that your body absorbs more of the BE herbs you are taking.  Read more: Milk Thistle Cleanse for NBE
  • Bustea – A popular breast enhancement tea that contains a variety of herbs used to promote breast growth.  It was developed by a well known herbalist for his daughter and is said to have helped her achieve her breast enlargement goals. Read More: Tea for Growing Breasts

Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Tea

No matter what type of tea you drink for NBE, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of it.

  • Purchase highest quality tea/herbs, if possible
  • Steep tea in boiling water
  • Steep for at least 5-8 minutes to get maximum strength, some people steep up to 10 minutes or more, especially when making their own tea from dried herbs
  • Most studies recommend drinking 2-3 cups a day, at least, to receive the full benefits of the tea

Can’t Find a Tea Variation for Your Herb(s)?

Here are two options for those who cannot find a tea variation of an herb or you wish to make your own herbal blend.

  • Manatea Tea Infuser Silicone StrainerBuy loose herbs in bulk and either steep the single herb or a mix of herbs in a tea infuser or strainer.  There are a bunch of inexpensive options online.  I have the manatea infuser.  It’s super cute and easy to use but it may be too small if you plan to use more than one type of herb for your tea.
  • Open up capsules of herbs and steep the powder in boiling water.  I’ve never tried this but I can’t image it tasting good at all but there is always honey or agave nectar to mask the taste.  Eve, a popular success story in the NBE world, actually drank her herbs like this as part of her routine and had great success with breast growth.


5 Chinese Tea Recipes for Breast Enlargement


Tea is a staple in many Asian cultures and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries because of its potential health benefits.  If there is something you want to heal, there’s probably a tea for it.  Below are 5 simple Chinese Tea Recipes for Breast Enlargement.  Many of the items can be found at a Chinese grocery store or online at Amazon.

Astragalus and Jujube Tea


This popular breast enlargement tea from China is based on the legend of an Empress from the Qing Dynasty.  She was obsessed with beauty and had her imperial doctor develop a tea to enlarge breasts.  The Astragalus is believed to increase growth hormone and immunity while the jujube or Chinese red dates are said to regulate the endocrine system.    

3-5 pieces Astragalus

3 pieces Jujube (Chinese red dates)


Honey or sugar or preferred sweetener

  1. Place items into pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Simmer for 20 mins.
  3. Strain liquid.
  4. Sweeten or drink as is.


Papaya Tea with Milk


In many Asian countries papaya, especially green papaya, is known as a breast enlargement superfood.   Papaya is abundant in enzymes and vitamin A which can stimulate the secretion of female hormones to help breasts grow.  The enzymes found in papaya break down proteins which make them more easily absorbed by the body.

There are two ways to make papaya tea.  One is to easily purchase green papaya powder and add to hot water.  Another way is to use fresh papaya. Below is a Papaya Tea with Milk recipe made with fresh papaya.

1 green papaya

3 quart water


Honey or sugar or preferred sweetener

  1. Peel green papaya and cut into 1 inch cubes.
  2. Add water and green papaya into pot and bring to a boil.
  3. Lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Pour serving into a cup and add desired amount of milk.
  5. Sweeten or drink as is.


Papaya and Rose Tea


It is believe that underdeveloped breasts are due to poor nutrition and blood circulation in the breast area.  Papaya Rose Tea is said to be a very good breast tea to relieve these issues. Rose buds balance the endocrine system, regulate menstruation and relieve tightness in the chest and breast pain caused by qi stagnation.

Papaya powder or Papaya tea (recipe above)

1 cup rose petals

  1. Place papaya tea and rose petals in pot.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes.

If using papaya powder –  place water, papaya powder and rose petals in pot and boil for 5 mins.


Motherwort, Angelica, Rose Tea


Motherwort or Yi Mu Cao is a popular Chinese herb used for natural breast enlargement.  It is said to balance hormones and relieve PMS symptoms.  Angelica, better known as Dong Quai, is a popular BE herb that is also used in the Western world.  Angelica is said to balance hormones, increase libido, regulate menstruation and increase blood circulation.

5 grams Motherwort

3 grams Angelica

3 grams Roses


Honey or sugar or preferred sweetener

  1. Place all items in a pot full of water.
  2. Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer for about 10 minutes
  3. Turn off heat, leave lid on the pot and let sit for another 5 minutes
  4. Sweeten or drink as is.

It is recommended that this tea is consumed on the 11th, 12th and 13th day of your cycle, when estrogen levels are at their highest.


Dandelion and Dang Shen Tea


Dandelion, especially dandelion root, are rich in vitamins and minerals.  It is used to treat breast cancer as well as heal breast tissue and regulate hormone production.  Dang Shen, also known as Codonopsis or “poor man’s ginseng”, is an adaptogenic herb that is used to promote the flow of blood and qi and is commonly used to treat female infertility.  Almonds are used to balance hormones. According to studies, almonds also decrease androgen levels.

3 grams Dandelion Root

3 grams Dang Shen

2 gram Almonds

250ml Water

Honey or sugar or preferred sweetener

  1. Put items in a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes with lid on pot.
  3. Sweeten or drink as is.
  4. Drink 2 – 5 cups per day.


7 Chinese Herbs for Natural Breast Enlargement


Recently, posts on GBN have focused on the effectiveness of teas for natural breast enlargement and 5 Chinese tea recipes to grow breasts naturally. For this post, we’ll be diving deeper into 7 herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to regulate the endocrine system, increase circulation in the breast area and nourish the chest – all beneficial to breast enlargement in TCM.

Jujube [Chinese Red Dates]

Chinese red dates are warm and sweet in terms of Chinese Food Therapy. They contain protein, amino acids, carotene, vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus and are generally found dried. The dried dates are often used in a variety of Chinese teas and soups to treat a number of health issues. Jujubes are beneficial for NBE because they regulate the endocrine system and promote the secretion of female hormones.

Huang Qi [Astragulus]

Astragulus has a long history of use in TCM. It has been consumed for centuries to treat a number of ailments but also as a means of disease prevention and to promote healthy living. Astragulus contains high nutritional value and is said to improve the immune system as well as cardiovascular health. In regards to breast enlargement, studies have shown that Astragulus can stimulate the release of growth hormones in rats and as a result, may increase growth hormones in humans. Astragulus is generally consumed as a tea with other herbs including wolfberries and jujubes.

Dong Quai [Chinese Angelica Root]

Angelica root is an herb commonly used in Western breast enlargement and can be found as an ingredient in many commercial herbal breast enlargement pills. In TCM, Angelica improves blood circulation and helps to strengthen female hormones. Angelica is also said to increase libido and regulate menstruation, and is often used to induce late periods.

Wang Bu Liu Xiang [Vaccaria Root]

Vaccaria is known to activate the blood and promote blood circulation. It is commonly used in TCM to treat a variety of gynecological issues including regulating menstruation.  The use of Vaccaria to increase prolactin and milk production has been recorded as far back as the Han Dynasty and continues to be used today to increase milk production in new mothers. There is supposedly a study published in June 1995 from the National Taiwan University, Yang Ming Medical College showing evidence that Vaccaria promotes significant breast cell growth in as little as five days. Unfortunately, I was not able to find any additional information on this study.

Yi Mu Cao [Motherwort]

Motherwort is regularly used as an gynecological herb in TCM. Studies have shown that it provides significant increase in uterine contractions as well as shrinks the uterus postpartum. It is also used to regulate menstruation. Motherwort honey can be found in China and contains essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other active enzymes and nutrients. Motherwort is also popular for it skin enhancing properties and is used both topically and orally for this reason.

Gou Qi Zi [Wolfberry]

Some believe that wolfberries, also known as Goji berries,  are the most effective breast enhancer in TCM. Consuming wolfberries is said to increase blood circulation as well as regulate endocrine function, all of which is believed to accelerate the supply of nutrients to breast cells/tissue. In addition, wolfberries are rich in carotenoids, B vitamins, vitamin C and a variety of amino acids and minerals – all beneficial to breast cell development.

Dang Shen [Codonopsis]

Codonopsis or “poor man’s ginseng” is another favored herb in TCM. It has high nutritional value and is used to boost the immune system. A variety of essential amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals can be found in Codonopsis. It is beneficial for NBE as it provides the body with increased flow of blood and qi, as well as plenty of nutrients to promote breast growth.


3 Essential Oil Blends for Breast Massage


Using essential oils can add a pleasant aroma but more importantly, they can boost your breast massage oil.  A few small drops can balance hormones, increase blood circulation, and provide other boobie benefits.

You can either use one essential oil or multiple oils to create your DIY blend. Whatever essential oil(s) you choose to use, be sure they are high quality.  Essential oils range from a few dollars to a hundred dollars for one little bottle.  Popular brands include Young Living and Doterra.  I’ve used the $6 a bottle oils as well as Young Living brand oils and believe you get what you pay for when it comes to essential oils.  The higher priced brands, in my opinion, appear to be more potent than the few dollar bottles.

Another important factor in a good massage oil is the base or carrier oil.  The base oil is the main oil that is used and dilutes the essential oil in the blend. Some good base oils to use are sweet almond oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil or jojoba.  My favorite is coconut oil.

Now on to the good stuff!  Below are recipes for 3 essential oil blends for breast massage. The recipes below make small batches.  You can double or triple the recipe if you want to make larger batches.

Essential Oil Blend #1

8 drops Roseregulates qi and blood circulation
8 drops Geranium balances hormones, regulates hormone secretion, and promotes the development of breast
6 drops Orange blossomhelps secretion of hormones, treats impotence
5 drops Ylang Ylang promotes estrogen secretion and balance

Essential Oil Blend #2

3 drops Clary Sage – increases circulation, relieves menstrual pain, balances hormones and estrogen production
5 drops Geranium– improves circulation, balances hormones, alleviates effects of menopause, great for skin
5 drops Fennel – boosts production of estrogen
10 drops Lemongrass – stimulates the uterus and menstrual flow, relieves menstrual cramps, good for skin and hair

Essential Oil Blend #3

10 drops Lemongrass – stimulates the uterus and menstrual flow, relieves menstrual cramps, good for skin and hair
10 drops Cypress – increases blood flow and circulation
8 drops Spearmint – antiandrogen, helps to balance hormones
2 drops Black Pepper – increases circulation

Store your blends in an amber glass bottle with dropper.  The bottles come in a number of sizes and are fairly inexpensive.  Be sure to store your oil blend in a cool, dark place, if possible. This will extend their shelf life.  When you are ready to use, just add a few drops of your blend to the base oil of your choice.

Tips for Massaging with Essential Oils

  1. Before starting your massage, warm up the breasts by placing a hot towel on breasts for 5 minutes.
  2. Take 2-4 drops of essential oil blend and mix with 1 teaspoon (5ml) of base oil in the palm of your hand.  Rub hands together and massage breasts until the oil blend is absorbed.
  3. Massage with oil blend 1-2 times a day minimum.
  4. For best results, massage before going to bed, if possible, after you shower before bedtime.

Need ideas on breast massage techniques? Try Chi Breast Massage or Female Deer Massage.  

Breast Enlargement Success – Eve’s Program


Before there was Chiyomilk, there was another success story in the world of NBE. She’s only known as Eve but was one of the first to experience success with natural breast enlargement.

The story goes that she got her customized program from her grandmother who was an herbalist. Eve started out as a full A/small B cup and in 18 months of NBE, she grew to a 34C. She used a mix of powdered herbs, herbal teas, and massage to achieve her growth. Below is her breast enlargement program.

Herbal Powder

  • Barley grass – 800mg
  • Bere (beremeal) or Alfalfa – 400mg
  • Fennel – 400mg
  • Fenugreek -1800mg
  • Hops -1800mg
  • Flaxseed (linseed) -1000mg
  • Oatstraw (aveena sativa) -800mg
  • Soy powder – 1000mg or soy milk (2 – 3 glasses)

All the items listed above should be purchased in powder form so you can make your own pills. In order to do this, you will need to purchase an encapsulator, size 00 capsules, and a scale to measure out the powders. This method takes a little more time and effort than if you just purchased the pre-made herbal pills but it will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Mix together all the powders and encapsulate. Divide the pills into 3 portions with a portion taken before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) on an empty stomach.  The amounts listed above are for one day but creating bigger batches of a week or month supply can save you a lot of time.

Herbal Teas

  • Barley
  • Fennel
  • Hops

This element of the program requires three teas to be consumed each day – one barley tea, one fennel tea, and one hops tea. Eve mixed her teas with soy milk for extra benefit.

Massage Cream

  • Hops
  • Oats
  • Soy
  • Starflower Oil (aka Borage Oil)

The first three items listed are in powder form.  Mix all the items listed together, including the oil, and let the mixture sit for a few days so all the items dissolve and blend thoroughly.

Eve did not perform any specific massage technique as part of her practice as this was before the chi breast massage and other massage techniques that are now popular. Eve just massaged 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening with her herbal massage cream.

Eve’s Maintenance Program

  • Fennel – 400mg
  • Fenugreek – 1800mg
  • Hops – 1800mg
  • Flaxseed (linseed) – 1000mg

Eve was on her customized breast enlargement program for 18 months and went on the above maintenance program for another 12 months to make sure the growth she experienced was permanent. To copy her maintenance program, mix all the powders together, encapsulate and divide into three portions, similar to her main program.

What to Expect on Eve’s Program

Like Chiyomilk’s program, Eve’s method was slow and steady. She said she never missed a day and that consistency was important to her success. She didn’t experience growth right away. In fact, it took her a few weeks before she had any signs of growth. Once the growth started, it was fairly steady. She actually stopped growing about the last 2 to 3 months of her 18 month program.

Where to Buy

The best place to purchase the items for this program, in my opinion, is Amazon.com. There are so many components to this program, from powders to tea to empty capsules, etc., that Amazon allows you to purchase everything in one place.  Plus, they have the best prices and a wide range of product and prices to suit everyone’s budget.  Below is the shopping list with links to products that I prefer on Amazon.

Herbal Powders
There are a number of powders available but I prefer Starwest Botanicals.  Most of their items are organic and they offer bulk 1 lb bags of herbs for a good price.  There are a few items they source from China so I replaced those with other brands as I prefer not to purchase products grown in China.

Barley Grass
Flaxseed (linseed)
Oatstraw (aveena sativa)
Soy powder

Herbal Tea
When looking for an herbal tea, read the nutritional labels and try to find a tea that has the herb as the only ingredient, if possible, and has a high milligram (or gram) count of that herb per serving.

Hops tea
Barley tea
Fennel tea

Massage powder
Like the powders listed in the herbal powders section, I prefer organic, grown in the USA when possible.

Hops powder
Oat powder
Soy powder
Borage oil

Additional Supplies
There are a wide variety of options for 00 capsules.  For this program, I recommend getting 1000 count bags of capsules because you will making many, many pills throughout the course of this program.  When choosing a scale, be sure it can measure with a starting range in the milligrams.  For encapulators, I highly recommend ones that can make the most amount of pills in one batch.

00 capsules

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