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Japanese Bust Up Tips for Bigger Breasts


Bust-up (pronounced basuto appu) is a term used in Japan for natural breast enhancement. While the English derived term has no real meaning in the western world, in Japan it means “to increase bust size” and “to raise the position of the bust” or make the breasts fuller and perkier.  The Bust-up method was made popular in the NBE community by the success of Chiyomilk who used its principles to achieve her amazing growth.

The main components of Bust-up include massage, exercise, acupressure points, supplements, proper diet and breast shaping bras.

Lymphatic massage

Lymphatic massage promotes lymphatic flow and is a fundamental part of Bust-up. Many Japanese videos showing massage techniques to increase bust size start with some type of lymphatic massage. These simple movements discharge toxins and waste from the breast area preparing the breasts to receive the nutrients from food and supplements more effectively.

Breast Massage

In Bust-up, breast massage is thought to stimulate the mammary glands. Breast massage also increases blood flow to the breasts which help to bring in more oxygen and nutrients, all of which assist in breast growth.

Acupressure Points

Shiatsu points, similar to Chinese acupressure points, are used to increase blood circulation, improve lymph flow, balance female hormones as well as promote hormone secretion.

Strengthen Pectoral Muscles

As mentioned earlier, Bust-up means to “raise the position of the breasts.” One way this is done is through the strengthening of the chest or pectoral muscles. Though chest exercises will not increase the actual size of the breast, strengthening the muscles will give the breasts a more perkier appearance as they will sit higher on the chest.

Breast Shaping Bras

While many women wear bras to support their breasts or prevent their nipples from showing through their clothes, in Bust-up, bras play a more important role.  Specially designed bras are used to help raise the position of the breasts and reshape them permanently.

Quality Supplements

Pueraria Mirifica is the preferred breast enhancing herb in Bust-up, not only for its breast enlargement properties but also for its anti-aging properties. Those that practice Bust-up believe that taking high quality, high potency supplements are a must.

Additional tips from Bust-up include:

Keep the Body Warm

When the body is cold, the blood vessels are constricted which restricts blood flow.  When the body is warm, the blood vessels are expanded and everything runs smoothly. Blood, oxygen and nutrients flow to the breasts more efficiently.

Eat Foods That Benefit the Breasts

What you eat plays an integral part in growing breasts according to the Bust-up way. The primary food in Bust-up  is soy because of the isoflavones found in soy which mimic estrogen. Common soy foods in Bust-up include tofu, soy milk and natto.

Another essential item in a Bust-up diet are foods that contain boron. Boron is said to promote the secretion of estrogen. Cabbage, specifically raw cabbage, is a food that is commonly recommended in Bust-up but boron can be found in other vegetables, as well as fruits and nuts.

Get Plenty of Sleep

When on a Bust-up program, it is recommended that you get more sleep than you normally would. Sleep plays an important part in the growing and overall healing process of the body. During sleep is one of the few times that the body naturally produces HGH which is essential for growth.

Guide to Breast Enlargement Soaps


There are a number of topicals used to enlarge breasts including creams, oils, and masks. Breast enlargement soaps are just another way to get breast enhancing herbs onto your breasts.

What are Breast Enlargement Soaps?

Just as it sounds, they are body soaps that are specially formulated to increase breast size and/or firmness. These soaps are composed of one or more breast enlarging herbs such as pueraria mirifica. BE soaps sud up like normal soap but have a little more oomph in them for the breasts.

Benefits of Breast Enlargement Soap

One of the key benefits of using a breast enlargement soap is that they allow for optimal absorption of breast enhancing nutrients directly into the breast. Along with the hot water from the shower, which opens up pores, maximum absorption of the product into the breast area is possible.

Another benefit of using BE soaps is that they can be a convenient, time saving method for getting breast enlarging herbs onto the breasts. For those of you that say you don’t have enough time, no more excuses!  BE soaps give you the opportunity to get a nice herbal breast massage in while showering.

Do Breast Enlargement Soaps Work?

I personally believe that BE soaps can be a good addition to a breast enlargement program but don’t think they’ll help breasts grow a considerable amount on their own.

Can soaps help firm up breasts?  Yes.  Can soaps increase breasts by a cup size or more? Possibly, but I don’t believe there is enough of the active ingredients in soaps to bring about significant growth.  A half cup growth, maybe with a good massage routine but a cup or more, probably not. But I could be absolutely wrong a there are plenty of people online that claim to experience breast growth as a result of using a breast enhancing soap.

Breast Enlargement Soap Tips

If you are thinking about trying a breast enlargement soap, I highly recommend having a good breast massage routine. The massage should be the main focus with the BE soap being a nice addition. Other tips I would recommend when using a BE soap are:

  • Warm breasts with water from hot shower before applying soap onto breasts
  • Create a thick lather and massage onto breasts. Leave soap on while completing your shower routine (ie shaving, etc) – at least five minutes, longer the better
  • Use twice per day.  If not possible, use a breast enhancing cream with similar ingredients to supplement.
  • As with all things NBE, consistency is a must for success.

Where to Buy Breast Enlarging Soaps

Amazon and ebay are abundant with listings for breast enlargement soaps, especially pueraria mirifica soaps straight from Thailand.  Below are a few of the BE soaps that can be found online.

Natureday is a natural breast enlargement company that has been around for a while.  They carry a line of natural breast enlargement products that include supplements, creams and soaps.  Their BE soap contains a variety of oils and proprietary herbal blend.



Jaowying Beauty’s Brightening Breast Soap is formulated with collagen and a number of oils including coconut and sunflower seed to help lift and firm breasts as well as lighten and brighten the skin around the breasts.


Dorlene Pueraria Herbal Bust Soap is a product from Thailand. The soap is made with pueraria mirifica and is said to increase the size and firmness of the breasts as well as make the skin softer and reduce PMS, menopause and anxiety symptoms.


Personal Experience with Soaps

I’ve tried Nature Day’s BE Soap and a no name pueraria mirifica soap from eBay in the past. I only used one bar of each which isn’t enough time to give a fair assessment of the product (ie did it work/not work). One thing I didn’t like about using a soap was that it was way too slippery, in my opinion, to do many of the massage techniques. Not saying it was impossible but just isn’t the way I prefer to do my massages.

If you are interested in using a soap, I say give it a try.  You might actually prefer the soapiness more than I do for massages.


Your NBE Inspiration for 2017 – Aki Hoshino


Need some inspiration to start your NBE program in 2017? Check out this success story!

Chiyomilk might be a poster child for natural breast enlargement in our NBE world but there is an even more popular lady in Japan. Her name is Aki Hoshino. Aki Hoshino is a bikini model from Japan whose young face along with big breasts and small waist have made her very popular in her country.

Ms. Hoshino used many of the same Bust-up methods that Chiyomilk used to achieve her amazing breast growth of a B cup to an F cup. She is one of few to publicly announce that she naturally grew her breasts. As expected, she received some backlash and people accused her of getting breast implants. As with many people in the world, they found it hard to believe that women can grow breasts after puberty.

In 2005, Aki Hoshino had a doctor perform a CT scan on live TV to prove her breasts were indeed 100% natural. She has also allowed many women to touch her breasts and they have confirmed her breasts are real.

Ms. Hoshino has been sharing her methods for growth on a number of Japanese shows like the one below.

In 2010, Ms. Hoshino also shared her advice in a book she wrote called “Hoshino Body.” In the book, she provided makeup advice as well as tips on how to have a body like hers.

Aki Hoshino BE Program

Ms. Hoshino’s program centered around exercises to strengthen the pectoral (or chest) muscles. She also ate a protein-rich diet which included drinking a lot of milk. She actually credits her growth to doing pushups after drinking milk.

Ms. Hoshino also used a product called Wonder Bomb which is a Pueraria Mirifica cream found in Japan. It contains a number of ingredients including collagen, soy extract, pomegranate extract, and other plant extracts.

I believe that Aki Hoshino’s breasts are 100% real.  If you look at the many pictures of Aki Hoshino available online, especially ones where she is laying down, implants just don’t lay like that.  Plus, I know NBE is possible.

There are so many NBE success stories from Japan – Aki Hoshino, Chiyomilk, and Mayusaki to name just a few.  Is it because their culture is more open to the idea of natural breast enlargement so there are more people doing it which leads to more success stories?  

Are people aware of your NBE program or do you keep it to yourself?  Please share your story in the comments below.

Birth Control Pills and Natural Breast Enlargement


When planning your NBE journey, whether or not an NBE method will affect your birth control pills may be a priority for you. It makes sense to have some concerns since many BCPs interact with your natural hormone levels to prevent pregnancy while many NBE methods interact with your natural hormone levels to kickstart your body into breast growing mode.

So does NBE affect birth control pills? Here’s what you need to know about BCP and NBE broken down by NBE method.

Breast Enhancing Herbs

There appears to be no definitive answer when it comes to whether or not breast enhancing herbs affect birth control pills as there is no real research available on the topic. Surprisingly, many women have commented that they did not experience any negative effects to their BCP while on breast enhancing herbs. There are a few herbs, believed by some, with the potential to cause BCP issues but there doesn’t seem to be an agreed upon list of herbs.  The only herb that is continuously mentioned is saw palmetto.  It is recommended that saw palmetto not be used with BCP and nettle’s root be used instead as a safe alternative.

But if pregnancy is a concern, I must highly emphasize – the best bet is to ask a pharmacist or the physician who prescribed your BCP if the herbs you plan on taking will interfere with your pills.

On the flip side, many women believe (and have experienced) birth control pills hindering the effectiveness of the herbs they are taking as part of the NBE program. Either they were experiencing success with herbs then started BCP and all growth stalled or they were taking herbs with no success while on BCP and when they stopped the BCP, they experienced growth.

But there are also those that have experienced great results combining NBE and BCP. So as the old saying goes, everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently.  The way your body reacts can be due to a number of factors.  Some of the factors that may affect herb/BCP interactions include:

  • Type, potency and amount of herbs taken
  • Strength and type of birth control pills (estrogen-based, progesterone-based, etc)
  • Body’s natural hormone levels
  • Usage of birth control pills and/or herbs (consistency, etc)

Pueraria Mirifica

Once again, there is no real research on the effects of Pueraria Mirifica on birth control pills but the consensus is that you should not mix Pueraria Mirifica with BCP, especially those that contain synthetic estrogen because the PM and the pill will compete for the body’s estrogen receptors. So either A) the pill may not work and an unexpected pregnancy may result or B) the BCP will prevent the PM from working and will be a total waste, which appears to be a common result when combining the two.

Similar with herbs, if you don’t experience growth with PM and happen to be on the pill, you may want to consider coming off the pill and see if that helps with growth.

Bovine Ovary

Bovine Ovary companies like Bountiful Breast state that their pills “will not interfere or affect birth control pills.” This may be due to the fact that bovine ovaries actually trigger your body’s natural production of hormones to grow breasts, unlike herbal breast enhancers which trigger breast growth by increasing or decreasing hormone levels via plant-based hormones like phyto-estrogens.

Volufiline / Voluplus

Volufiline and Voluplus are plant derived ingredients that naturally increase the size and amount of fat cells to the area of the body in which they are applied. Because they only affect the fat cells in the breast area and do not alter hormone levels, these products should not interfere with birth control pills.

Options for Birth Control Users

If you are on birth control pills and still want to give natural breast enlargement a try but are concerned with the possibility of getting pregnant, here are some options for you:

  • Use additional contraception – condoms, spermicides, etc
  • Use a non-hormonal form of birth control (ie copper IUDs)
  • Choose a non-hormonal form of natural breast enlargement (massage, acupressure, breast enlarging pumps)

In the end, talk to your physician if you have any concerns.  They can give you guidance specific to you and your needs.


Milk Does the Boobies Good


We’ve been told throughout our lives that milk is important for healthy, growing bodies, specifically the calcium and protein found in milk. These same elements are important for growing breasts. Whether you choose to drink milk from an animal or a plant-based milk like soy or rice, a glass or two a day can provide benefits to your NBE program. Some of these benefits include:

Essential for Growth

Cow’s milk is a major source of protein but plant-based milks, like soy, are also good sources of protein. Protein is something that is essential for growth as the body uses it to repair and build tissue. It is considered the building block of the body and can be found throughout our bodies from our hormones to our cells and tissues. Increasing your protein intake while on NBE can help boost the growth of new breast tissue. It is actually a must-do for any NBE program.

READ MORE:  The Importance of Protein in Growing Breasts Naturally


In many Asian countries, soy milk is an essential part of NBE programs because of its high protein content but more importantly, the phyto-estrogens found in soy. Phyto-estrogens mimic human estrogen and can contribute to successful breast growth. But before you go drinking glasses and glasses of soy milk, confirm that you do not have a history of estrogen-based cancers in your family. Some believe that the estrogens found in soy can trigger cancers such as breast and ovarian while others believe that the estrogens found in soy actually help to fight cancer cells. So before adding soymilk to your regimen, do your research, especially if you have a history of estrogen-based cancers in your family.

READ MORE: Phyto-estrogens, Phyto-Progestins and More 

Assists in Absorption of Pueraria Mirifica

Calcium, another abundant element found in milk, is said to assist in the body’s absorption of Pueraria Mirifica. As a result, many NBE’ers on PM drink milk as part of their routine. Adding calcium to your diet when on a pueraria mirifica program can ensure more of the breast enhancing product is absorbed by the body and not wasted out.

If you are not a fan of animal or plant-based milks, you can simply substitute with a calcium supplement though natural sources are always the best. You can get calcium from other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Additional sources of calcium include nuts and seeds, as well as dark, leafy greens such as kale and spinach.

Read More: Tips for Success with Pueraria Mirifica

The Milk / Estrogen Connection for Healthy Bones

Many of the NBE products and programs require estrogen levels to be boosted either naturally by the body or through the use of plant-based estrogens (phyto-estrogens). Did you know that estrogen from your NBE program might be assisting in keeping your bones strong and healthy?

Calcium is essential for bone growth and strength. This includes the health of your teeth. Estrogen assists in the absorption of calcium by the body and helps to minimize bone density loss resulting in stronger bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.  So not only is your estrogen-based NBE program and drinking milk helping you grow breasts, your bones are staying nice and strong, too. 🙂


What to Look for When Buying Pueraria Mirifica


If you plan to purchase Pueraria Mirifica in the near future, you will most likely be buying it online.  Unfortunately, PM has not become mainstream enough yet to where you can find it in stores locally. And with that, there are many places to purchase PM online including straight from the manufacturer or a distributor, or from third party vendors.

Even with so many options, I believe Amazon is the best place to purchase Pueraria Mirifica. There is a wide selection to choose from making it easy to find a PM product to fit your goals and budget. You can also purchase other supplements and products for your NBE routine through Amazon making it a one-stop shop. Plus, they have Amazon Prime >>> fast shipping!

But with so many options out there, how do you know which Pueraria Mirifica to purchase? Below are some guidelines to help you make the best possible decision for you.


The number one thing to look for is where the Pueraria Mirifica was sourced. Good PM, the kind that makes breasts grow, originates from the jungles of northern Thailand and it can only be found there. There are less potent varieties that grow in the neighboring country of Myanmar – not the kind you want for growing breasts. If it doesn’t say in the description where it’s from, ask.

Read More: Pueraria Mirifica – Wild Harvested vs Farm Cultivated


I don’t know how valid this is but it makes total sense. Whether you are puchasing pills or powder variations of Pueraria Mirifica, it should be white or at least as white as possible. The whiter it is, the purer it is. Yellow or brown coloring is said to be a result of fillers and other additives being mixed in. Buying off-colored is not all bad, it just might take more of the product to get the results you want. So for the most purest, most potent PM, go with the whitest whenever possible.


Not too long ago there were only a few PM brands available to us and we had to buy direct from the manufacturers. These tried and true brands include St. Herb, Ainterol, and Purafem. But with Amazon becoming more and more popular world-wide, many lesser known brands straight from Thailand have popped up. And as Pueraria Mirifica is gaining popularity for its “miracle herb” status, many western brands like Swanson’s and Nature’s Answer are getting in the game now. When choosing a brand, do a quick search on each to see what people are saying and look at the label – what are the ingredients and mg per serving? You’ll want to look for brands that have the least amount of ingredients in their formulations and more mg of the active ingredient (pueraria mirifica).


Though Amazon has said to have cut down on purchased or “fake” reviews, it is still wise to not depend solely on them. When analyzing a review, look for ones that go into detail about what they experienced and how long it took them to get results. The reviews that annoy me the most are the ones where a person tried a product (ie face cream, supplements, etc) for a week or two then complained that the product didn’t work and that they’re never buying it again. I generally toss those out because things take time to work. One to two weeks is not a fair shot. One should give a product at least 1 month, preferably 3 months to work and at that time give an honest assessment.

Read More: Breast Enlargement Success Stories – Chiyomilk and Mayusakimilk

Only downside to purchasing on Amazon is that they don’t offer any Japanese PM, which is what I prefer. Japanese products tend to be of high quality and hello – who can forget the amazing growth of Chiyomilk – NBE legend and poster child for Japanese NBE products such as Ladies Pueraria 99%. But I might also be partial to Japanese products because I spent my high school years there being from an Air Force family. I saw first hand their culture of quality, honor and respect.

Whatever brand you choose, be sure to give it a fair shot before throwing in the towel and saying it doesn’t work. And be sure to stay consistent with your doses and follow some additional tips for success with Pueraria Mirifica.

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